Federal School Law Certificate Program – Module 4

Student Rights

In 1969, the United States Supreme Court held that a public school could not restrict students from wearing black armbands in a passive, silent, non-disruptive political protest at school. Students, the Court explained, do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Courts, Congress, and the Executive agencies have recognized additional protections for students in a variety of contexts.

Experienced school attorneys who frequently advise on student rights issues will provide an overview of current federal law on sex and race discrimination, procedural due process in discipline, equal protection, privacy rights, and rights of specific populations such as English language learners.

This is module 4 of the Federal School Law Certificate Program. To register for the full program of 5 modules, please visit: https://my.aasa.org/AASA/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=FSLCPFP

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8/19/2025 - 10/7/2025
Staff use only

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