Best of the Blogs
School Administrator, December 2015

“I cannot understate the importance to appreciate who you have around you each and every day, because that can change in the blink of an eye. I have seen it, felt it, lived it. Give the extra hug, have the extra conversation, hang out the extra time and appreciate those who are close to you.”
From “Appreciate What You Have Each and Every Day” by Christopher R. Brown (superintendent, Camillus, N.Y.) on his blog Notes from the Superintendent

“So much fear of and from technology can be alleviated when we first begin to innovate with thoughtful purpose and through simple adjustments.”
From “Innovation: Let’s Make It Simple!” by Chris Smeaton (superintendent, Lethbridge, Alberta) on his Superintendent’s Blog

“I recall my first official day as a teacher like it was yesterday. I vividly remember the classroom, what I was wearing, and the expectant faces of the students in my grade 6/7 class. (The truth is that after 28 years, I can still recall the first and last names of the students in that class!).”
From “Finding New Firsts” by Kevin Godden (superintendent, Abbotsford, British Columbia) on his blog The Triumph of Teamwork

“And for the policymakers, hear our plea for real support in a collaborative culture to improve our schools in lieu of the existing culture of punishment and, what at times seems to model the national agenda to see the death of the ever-successful American Institution known as public education.”
From “Despite Headlines, Today’s Educators Conquer Great Odds to Produce Top Results” by David McGehee (superintendent, Lee’s Summit, Mo.) on his Superintendent’s Blog

“Coach Surace, my former football coach, always said, if you are early you are on time, if you are on time you are late, and if you are late you are forgotten.”
From “Kids These Days!” by David Gentile (superintendent, Millville, N.J.) on A Supts Blog; Where the Road to Excellence is Always Under Construction