Best of the Blogs
School Administrator, December 2021

“Our digital devices afford us the ability to be on from anywhere, which means, we can work without limitations. This is only an advancement towards our future workforce development if we define how we use our time outside of the work space. Our minds need creative rest, our bodies need movement and play, and our spirits need connection with family and friends. Our children need this time to dream, invent, and be curious on their terms.”

From “This Labor Day, WE Honor Our MUSD Team’s Resiliency” by Cheryl Jordan, superintendent, Milpitas Unified School District, Milpitas, Calif., on her blog Superintendent’s Messages
“[T]he last thing I do before I go to sleep at night and the first thing I do in the morning is check the number of certified staff members, e.g., teachers, counselors, nurses, that are out for various reasons. My routine has not changed this year.”

From “The Impact of Staffing Shortages” by William Harner, superintendent, Quakertown Community School District, Quakertown, Pa., on his blog Super Blog
“[P]erhaps a mathematical explanation makes the most sense. When the fiscal year 2022 budget was certified, I budgeted revenue from open enrollment at $592,032. Based on our most recent calculations, that number is now anticipated to be in the vicinity of $916,240.”

From “The Open Enrollment Factor,” by Anthony D. Voss, superintendent, Hudson Community School District, Hudson, Iowa, on his blog Education in Iowa Public Schools
“I remember my post from a couple of years ago where I placed a disclaimer at the beginning asking for people to NOT email me with ‘the exception that disproves the rule’. The post was published in Dec 2019 and talked about how teenagers processed their emotions differently than younger children and most adults. Yes, we could always find an exception to the general findings — people are complex like that.”

From “Gender Differences in Learning” by Dave Eberwein, superintendent/CEO, School District 63, Saanichton, British Columbia, on his blog The Power of Why

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