Academic Supports from a Student's View

Ciera Lund was 15 years old when she suffered a concussion while playing basketball. Her symptoms of passing out, constant headaches and fatigue plagued her for the remainder of her freshman year. A few accommodations helped Ciera successfully complete the school year.

“It really helped me when my teachers had class notes already printed out. That way I could just highlight what the teacher was emphasizing and focus on the concept rather than trying to take notes. Since having a brain injury, I don’t really see words on the board. Therefore, having the notes beforehand takes some of the frustration off of me and I am able to concentrate and retain what is being taught in class.

“Being able to rest in the middle of the day is also very important to me. I become very fatigued after a morning of my rigorous classes, so my counselors have helped me adjust my schedule, which allows me some down time so I can keep going through my day. Lastly, taking tests in a different place such as the conference room or teacher’s office has helped a great deal.”

SOURCE: “REAP: The Benefits of Good Concussion Management” by Karen McAvoy. Published with permission.