Reader Reply

School Administrator, May 2017

In “A Culture of Lifelong Learning” (November 2016), Christopher Manno articulately reminds administrators of the critical importance of creating a culture of professional growth in our school communities. At a time when superintendents are asked to take on more and more work, planning for rich and sustained staff development often can fall to the back of a very long line of mandated tasks and initiatives.

Manno provided a thoughtful description of best leadership practices such as smart use of faculty meeting time, peer observation models and showcasing by school administrators of effective instructional strategies for teachers. (Imagine that!)

This article underscored the critical value in creating a culture of shared learning and growth among the educators in our schools.
Barbara Sargent
Readington Township School District,
Whitehouse Station, N.J.

Lifelong Learning
A Culture of Lifelong Learning” was a comprehensive and thoughtful approach to the importance of professional development for teachers. The use of strategic planning to receive input and feedback from teachers and then use that essential information to inform the official goals of a school district’s professional development program is certainly sage advice.

Manno’s five measures to help foster teacher growth appear quite useful and much on target when developing a plan to implement professional development. His creative work can readily be used as a best practice scenario.
Howard Lerner
Bergen County Technical Schools/Special Services,
Paramus, N.J.

140 Characters or Less
What really stood out for me in Jill Gildea’s Social Media column (“Your District Story in 140 Characters or Less,” December 2016) was her school district’s mission: “Preparing today’s child for tomorrow’s world.”

We are about to start work in our district on our state-required comprehensive school improvement plan, which includes a mission statement.  To be honest, I've struggled professionally with the cumbersomeness of mission statements, but Gildea’s is concise. I will be sharing this mission statement with my committee.
Danny Johnson
King City School District,
King City, Mo.

Jill Gildea shared great advice in her Social Media column. We are in a rural school district and use Twitter quite often to tell our story and to get out our information to the community.

Gary Bates
Goodrich Independent School District,
Goodrich, Texas


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